como se llama la canción de eminem donde cantan unos niños cuando empieza la rola?
2007-05-12 10:29:16 UTC
alguien sabe como se llama
Doce respuestas:
Lucifer's Angel
2007-05-13 12:37:13 UTC
Like Toy Soldiers, cantan como si fueran un coro de iglesia...
2007-05-12 18:14:57 UTC
Like toy soldiers

Step by step, heart to heart, left right left

We all fall down...


Step by step, heart to heart, left right left

We all fall down like toy soldiers

Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win

But the battle wages on for toy soldiers

[Verse 1]

I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure

Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders

I ain't never supposed to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it

Even if it means goin' toe to toe with a Benzino it don't matter

I'd never drag them in battles that I can handle unless I absolutely have to

I'm supposed to set an example

I need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide 'em

If some shit ever does pop off, I'm supposed to be beside 'em

That Ja shit I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop it

There's a certain line you just don't cross and he crossed it

I heard him say Hailie's name on a song and I just lost it

It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shit

And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it

I spent too much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted

And I'm so caught in it I almost feel I'm the one who caused it

This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it

That was never my object for someone to get killed

Why would I wanna destroy something I help build

It wasn't my intentions, my intentions was good

I went through my whole career without ever mentionin' Suge

And that was just out of respect for not runnin' my mouth

And talkin' about something that I knew nothing about

Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn't my beef

So I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth

While he's all over t.v. down talkin' a man who literally saved my life

Like **** it i understand this is business

And this shit just isn't none of my business

But still knowin' this shit could pop off at any minute cause


[Verse 2]

There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme

And wouldn't have to worry about one of your people dyin'

But now it's elevated cause once you put someone's kids in it

The shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more is it?

It's a different ball game, callin' names and you ain't just rappin'

We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin'

Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him

And asked him not to start it he wasn't gonna go after him

Until Ja started yappin' in magazines how we stabbed him

**** it 50 smash 'em, mash 'em and let him have it

Meanwhile my attention is pullin' in other directions

Some receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his desk

Has an erection for me and thinks that I'll be his resurrection

Tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record

But now he's fucked the game up cause one of the ways I came up

Was through that publication the same one that made me famous

Now the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin'

Well **** it, that motherfucker can get it too, **** him then

But I'm so busy being pissed off I don't stop to think

That we just inherited 50's beef with Murder Inc.

And he's inherited mine which is fine ain't like either of us mind

We still have soldiers that's on the front line

That's willing to die for us as soon as we give the orders

Never to extort us, strictly to show they support us

We'll maybe shout 'em out in a rap or up in a chorus

To show them we love 'em back and let 'em know how important it is

To have Runyan Avenue, soldiers up in our corners

Their loyalty to us is worth more than any award is

But I ain't tryna have none of my people hurt and murdered

It ain't worth it, I can't think of a perfecter way to word it

Then to just say that I love ya'll too much to see the verdict

I'll walk away from it all before I let it go any further

But don't get it twisted, it's not a plea that I'm coppin'

I'm just willin' to be the bigger man

If ya'll can quit poppin' off at the jaws, well then I can

Cause frankly I'm sick of talkin'

I'm not gonna let someone else's coffin rest on my conscience cause

2007-05-12 18:09:59 UTC
se llama like toys soldiers
2007-05-13 16:27:15 UTC
when im gone
2007-05-13 03:23:48 UTC
like toy soldier y la hizo por la muerte de 2pac
2007-05-13 01:40:16 UTC
"Like Toy Soldiers" empieza con unos chicos q juran a la bandera... la cancion se trata sobre la violencia.. en especial en el mundo del hip-hop q es un clima bastente pesado...
Toxic Boy
2007-05-13 00:30:56 UTC
se llama "Like Toy Soldier" y es una estupenda rola
2007-05-12 21:34:54 UTC
like toy soldiers es esta no
2007-05-12 20:03:14 UTC
se llama like toy soldiers
2007-05-12 18:31:45 UTC
like toy soldiers
2007-05-12 18:11:40 UTC
hola creo que es la que el le canta a su hija, se llama "Mockingbird", ahi te mando la letra pa ver si es en verdad la que buscas:


I know sometimes things might not always make sense to you right now

But hey, what daddy always tell you?

Straighten up little soldier

Stiffen up that upper lip

What'chu crying about?

You got me..

Hailie, I know you miss your mom

And I know you miss your dad when I'm gone

But I'm trying to give you the life that I never had

I can see you're sad

Even when you smile

Even when you laugh

I can see it in your eyes

Deep inside, you wanna cry

Cuz you're scared

I ain't there?

Daddy's with you in your prayers

No more crying

Wipe them tears

Daddy's here

No more nightmares

We gonna pull together through it

We gon' do it

Laini, uncle's crazy ain't he?

Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it

We're all we got in this world

When it spins

When it swirls

When it whirls

When it twirls

Two little beautiful girls

Looking puzzled, in a daze

I know it's confusing you

Daddy's always on the move

Mama's always on the news

I try to keep you sheltered from it

But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that

the more it backfires on me

All the things, growing up

As daddy that he had to see

Daddy don't want you to see

But you see just as much as me (to see?)

That we did not plan it to be this way

You're mother and me

But things have got so bad between us

I don't see us ever being

Together ever again

Like we used to be when was teenagers

But then of coarse

Everything always happens for a reason

I guess it was never meant to be

But it's just something

We have no control over

And that's what destiny is

But no more worries

Rest your head and go to sleep

Maybe one day we'll wake up

And this will all just be a dream


Now hush little baby don't you cry

Everythings gonna be alright

Stiffen that upper lip up little lady

I told ya, daddy's here to hold ya

Through the night

I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why

We feel how we feel inside

It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby

But I promise, Mama's gonna be alright

It's funny

I remember back one year when daddy had no money

Mommy wrapped the Christamas presents up

and stuck them under the tree

and said some of them were from me

Cos daddy couldn't buy ‘em

I'll never forget that Christmas

I sat up the whole night cryin'

Cuz daddy felt like a bum

See dadday had a job

But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom

And at the time every house that we lived in

Either kept getting broken into and robbed or shot up on the block

And your mom, was saving money

For you in a jar trying to start a piggy bank for you

So you can go to college

Almost had a thousand dollars

Till someone broke in and stole it

And I know it hurt so bad it broke your mama's heart

And it seemed like everything was just starting to fall apart

Mom and dads was arguing a lot

So mama moved back on the trauma and the flat

One bedroom apartment

And dad moved back to the other side of 8 mile on Novarra

And that's when daddy went to California with his CD

And met Dr. Dre and flew you and Mama out to see me

But daddy had to work

You and mama had to leave me

Then you started seeing daddy on the TV

And mama didn't like it

And you and Laini were too young to understand it

Papa was a rolling stone

mama developed a habit

and it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it

I'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand

Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud

Now I'm sittin' in this empty house, just reminiscin'

Looking at your baby pictures it just trips me out

To see how much you both have grown

It's almost like your sisters now

Wow, I guess you pretty much are

And daddy's still here

Laini I'm talking to you too

Daddy's still here

I like the sound of that, yeah

It's got a ring to it, don't it?

Shhh, mama's only gone for the moment


Now hush little baby don't you cry

Everythings gonna be alright

Stiffen that upper lip up little lady

I told ya daddy's here to hold ya

Through the night

I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why

We feel how we feel inside

It may seem a little crazy pretty baby

But I promise

Mama's gonna be alright

And if you ask me to,

Daddy's gonna buy you a mocking bird

I'ma give you the world

I'ma buy a diamond ring for you

I'ma sing for you, I'll do anything for you to see you smile

And if the mockingbird don't sing and the ring don't shine

I'ma break that birdy's neck

I'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to ya

And make him eat every karat

Don't **** with that.

2007-05-12 17:57:48 UTC
super man

Este contenido se publicó originalmente en Y! Answers, un sitio web de preguntas y respuestas que se cerró en 2021.